Results of the Al Moutmir program of olive tree demonstration platforms 2019/2020: 34% increase in yield per hectare


The Al Moutmir program of the 2019/2020 demonstration platforms dedicated to olive trees recorded very satisfactory results with an average yield of nearly 5,750 Kg/ha while the control plots recorded an average yield of 4,281 Kg/ha.

The improved technical management, the balanced fertilization based on the recommendations of soil testing, the use of new technologies and new specialty products in addition to the regular  follow up of Al Moutmir teams and the commitment of farmers have contributed remarkably to the improvement of yields and also the quality of the fruit (weight,and size)

As an example, El Kelâa des Sraghna recorded an exceptional yield of nearly 16,500 Kg/ha.

The average yields in olive-growing regions are as follows:

  • Beni Mellal - Khenifra: 3,800 Kg/ha in the PFDs vs. 3,200 Kg/ha in the control plots.
  • Marrakech - Safi: 5,600 Kg/ha vs 4,300 Kg/ha
  • Fez - Meknes: 4,900Kg/ha vs 3,750Kg/ha
  • Tangier -Tetouan - Al Hoceima: 4,300 Kg/ha vs 4,100 Kg/ha

1,195 demonstration platforms were installed and monitored by Al Moutmir teams during the 2019/2020 agricultural season in 30 provinces across the Kingdom.

The demonstration platforms are indeed a real lever for the popularization of best agricultural practices based on a scientific approach.